The Journey is Even Better when you Take it Together …
The Universe had other ideas!
Now that Victor and Aimée have a proven track record under their belts, two of Aimée’s Ascended Master Guides, Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua, have requested that they combine their bodies of work and lead a new three-level course on Sacred Intimacy: The Dynamic Connection Between Sex and Spirit. Mary explained that she has waited two thousand years to bring forth the information that will:
Support the reinstatement of the Divine Feminine as the equal lover and partner of the Divine Masculine
Help you to truly love and accept your body-temple as a sacred vehicle for transformation
Awaken the heart-genital connection that will restore the sexual intimacy that many women crave
Include a “new” sexual paradigm that acknowledges the inherent unity of sex and spirit and the wisdom of cultivating and transforming orgasmic energy
Mary is clear that not everyone needs a partner. Solo work is known as white tantra. Couples practice is called red tantra. Too many relationships flounder due to a lack of inner work. Inner work provides the foundation for wholeness. You cannot expect your partner to make you whole – it is an inside job!
It should be noted that while the Tantric Ideal is represented by Shiva, the male aspect of creation, and Shakti, the female aspect of creation, the sexual secrets we will be presenting work for everyone: heterosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, gays, transgender people, and queers. In truth, everyone is responsible for their own orgasms regardless of their sexual orientation and anyone can learn to properly direct sexual energy.
However, there are certain pre-requisites for a Divine Union: First and foremost, love and harmony must be present. Without it, neither partner is able to fully open and sex will be little more than a tension-release mechanism. This is why we begin by learning how to cultivate relationship harmony.

For almost two decades, Victor Gold and Aimée Lyndon-Adams have enjoyed an intimate, harmonious, and deeply spiritual relationship. Prior to meeting Victor, Aimée suffered through 3 divorces and multiple other abusive relationships with lovers, business partners, colleagues, friends, bosses and even a spiritual teacher! In fact, before meeting Victor, Aimée had declared a relationship moratorium for the previous seven years. Of course, it helped that Victor was a highly esteemed tantra teacher and sexual healer, but even Victor had concluded that it wasn’t possible to live in harmony with a woman.
Sacred Intimacy: The Dynamic Connection Between Sex & Spirit
An Introductory Workshop
Aimée Lyndon-Adams and Victor Gold
We invite you to join our wonderful, inclusive, heart-connected community for this ground-breaking introductory workshop. We welcome you regardless of your sexual orientation, or whether you are part of a couple, or flying solo.
What you can expect:
Ground-breaking information designed to harmonize your intimate relationship.
A clear understanding of the true function of extended orgasm.
Hands-on techniques for healing emotional and sexual abuse.
Lots of interactions with each other.
Storytelling that invites your participation.
Q & A
Saturday, March 25th
1-3:30 PM
$33 per individual
$49 per couple
Disclaimer: The authors of this course and event do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, mental, or emotional problems without the advice of a trained healthcare professional, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the presenters is to offer supportive information to help you on your journey. We encourage you to embrace only what resonates with you and leave the rest. We the presenters assume no responsibility, nor are we to be held liable for your actions or results.
What others say about Aimée and Victor:
“Aimée is a huge-hearted wise woman with a powerful spiritual connection that supports her ability to hone right in on helping her clients make the energetic shifts they need to heal.”
Susan Shloss, Money Wisdom Coaching
“Aimée is in an elevated sphere of highly gifted healers and intuitives ~ she simply has the insight and skills to see and move anything energetically. Working with Aimée, I have made the greatest personal progress and I hold her as one of the true Masters of our time. I not only recommend her but know that you will feel blessed and lucky to get to experience her profound talents and compassion. 1,000 gold stars on a scale of 1-10.”
Jan Jorgensen, Sound and Light Healing Arts
“Aimée is a gracious and generous way-shower. She carries within her the radiance and love that invites the highest universal energies to pour through her in all that she does. Her work shines radiantly and reaches into the soul.”
Leiah Bowden, Lightspeak Transformations Art
“Seasoned educator and sexual healer, Victor Gold, reveals ancient secrets of the Far East for using sexual pleasure as a gateway to spiritual enlightenment. Gold challenges the many Western misconceptions that hinder gratification for men and women. Victor reveals how sexual intercourse, when correctly understood and practiced, can transform sexual energy into spiritual illumination that brings creativity, productivity, vigor, and purpose to your life.”
“I have been married 46 years and had somewhat limited, though satisfying, sexual experience. Our religion teaches that sex is sacred, spiritual, and women are to be regarded as equal to men in all aspects of life. However, our religion does not give "hands on" guidance regarding spiritual love making. Victor fills the void as to how men and women can connect at a higher spiritual level. Isn't that the goal of human relationships?”
Patricia Allen, Paris Financial Planning
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